Ινστιτούτο Μεσογειακών Σπουδών

Χρήστος Τσάκας

Μεταδιδάκτορας ερευνητής
Κέντρο Ναυτιλιακής Ιστορίας

Christos Tsakas is a historian, and a Junior Research Group Leader at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies-Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Principal Investigator of the project: “Oil, but not olive oil: How petroleum products became Greece’s top exports”). Christos holds a PhD from the University of Crete, and he has previously held research appointments at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies-EUI Florence, Princeton University, the Free University of Berlin, and the Danish Institute at Athens. In 2019-20 he was a CES Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. His articles have appeared in such journals as the Journal of Common Market Studies, Business History and Disability Studies Quarterly. He is the author of Post-War Greco-German Relations, 1953-1981: Economic Development, Business Interests and European Integration (Palgrave, 2022) [Με το βλέμμα στην Ευρώπη. Οι ελληνογερμανικές σχέσεις μετά τον πόλεμο (1953-1981)].

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