Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Laboratory of Geophysical - Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment

The Laboratory of Geophysics - Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeoenvironment (GeoSat ReSeArch Lab) is active in the field of Geoinformatics, covering a wide range of Geophysical Surveys, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Satellite Remote Sensing, Phtotogrammetry 3D visualization and Landscape modelling. Emphasis is placed on both the natural and cultural environment. The Laboratory conducts basic and applied research in the above research fields through International, European and National research programs. At the same time, it has developed a training and education program for researchers of geophysical, satellite remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems applications in archeology and culture, while at the same time is conducting studies on the anthropogenic effects on the natural environment over time. Equipped with the most modern geophysical equipment for the investigation of shallow depths and with the development of algorithms for processing geophysical data and tools for spatial analysis and models through Geographic Information Systems and satellite image processing, the Laboratory offers a complete package of services related to imaging surface, subsoil and shallow submarine targets, mapping of natural / cultural resources, developing Web GIS applications and developing web geographic databases. The Laboratory has entered into numerous collaborations with university and research institutions from Greece and abroad beyond the borders of the Mediterranean. The continuous activities of the Laboratory are disseminated through scientific publications, international conferences and workshops.

Among the most important activities of the Lab are the following:

  • Coordination or/and participation in more than 90 national and European research projects (H2020-RISE, KRIPIS-POLITEIA II, KRIPIS-PERAN, HFRI postdoc, FORTH-SYNERGY, ΥΠΟΔΟΜΕΣ, H2020-STORM, Post doc Research Scholarships – IKY, ISAP Fund, H2020-VI-SEEM, Archaeo-FormoSat, USA-NSF, SIEMENS, ARISTEIA I & II, Archaeolandscapes Europe, KRIPIS-POLITEIA, ΚΡΙΠΗΣ-ΠΕΦΥΚΑ, ΘΑΛΗΣ, LIFE+ , DRAGON-3, MARIE CURIE IF, Wenner-Gren Foundation, NSF-USA, Cultiure 2008-2013, Leverhulme Trust, University of Cyprus, ELIDEK, e-Content, INTERREG, ARCHIMED, ETΠΑ, ΠΕΝΕΔ, ΕΠΕΑΕΚ, INSTAP, NERC, Prefecture of Crete, Γ' ΚΠΣ).
  • Organization and participation in more than 250 programs of applied and primary research with emphasis on geophysical and remote sensing surveys of archaeological sites and natural environment.
  • Development of more than 45 databases and 50 GIS / Web GIS applications for the management of cultural and natural resources.
  • More than 600 publications in international scientific journals, 250+ oral presentations and 120+ posters in conferences and 150 technical reports.
  • Organization of international conferences and summer schools and participation of its research staff in scientific and organizational committees of international conferences.
  • Contribution to the internship of students (over 300) from various Universities such as: Technical University of Crete, the University of Crete, the University of Thessaly, the University of the Aegean and  National and Kapodestrian University of Athens.
  • Participation in the supervision of postdoctoral researchers (from Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Australia, United States, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, Belgium, China, etc.) and dissertations (doctoral dissertations, postgraduate and undergraduate theses) in cooperation with Greek and foreign University Institutions.
  • Transnational technological research projects with Cyprus, Boulgaria, China, USA etc.
  • Member of international research organizations such as: Copernicus Academy, GEO (Group on Earth Observation), ΑGILE (Association Geographic Information Laboratories Europe), EPOCH (Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage) και EARSEL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories).
  • Participation in the organization of the Interdepartmental Program of   Postgraduate Studies of the University of Crete (EPEAEK - Department of History & Archeology and Department of Computer Science) and in the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Crete, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of the Aegean, Technical University of Crete and TEI of Crete.
  • Organization of training seminars in the scientific fields of  GIS, Satellite Remote Sensing and GPS focusing on professionals, staff of public and private bodies and students (e.g. Ministry of Culture / Ephorates of Antiquities, Prefectures, Municipalities, IGME, etc.)


Dimitrios Alexakis

Dimitrios Alexakis

Principal Researcher
Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS
Curriculum vitae
Nasos Argyriou

Nasos Argyriou

Assistant researcher
Curriculum vitae
Nafsika Andriopoulou

Nafsika Andriopoulou

Postdoctoral researcher
Angelos Chliaoutakis

Angelos Chliaoutakis

Postdoctoral researcher
Curriculum vitae
Anna Novikova

Anna Novikova

Postdoctoral researcher
Curriculum vitae
Alexandros Tourtas

Alexandros Tourtas

Postdoctoral researcher
Curriculum vitae
George Lampropoulos

George Lampropoulos

Ph.D. Candidate
Harokopio University of Athens
Curriculum vitae
Angelos Plageras

Angelos Plageras

Ph.D. candidate
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Curriculum vitae
Eleni Tzima

Eleni Tzima

Ph.D. candidate
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Curriculum vitae
Athanasios Kalpaxis †

Athanasios Kalpaxis †

FORTH Distinguished Member, Professor Emeritus
Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete
Curriculum vitae


  • Apostolos Sarris
  • Evangelos Alevizos
  • Gianluca Cantoro
  • Nadia Coutsinas
  • Jamieson C. Donati
  • Manolis Gryllakis
  • Tuna Kalayci
  • Melda Küçükdemirci
  • Maria Cristina Manzetti
  • Christos Polykretis
  • Konstantinos Roussos
  • Rebecca Seifried
  • Kleanthis Simyrdanis
  • Lemonia Argyriou
  • Marianna Katifori
  • Katerina Konstantinou
  • Meropi Manataki
  • Aggeliki Alygizaki
  • Eleni Apostolidou
  • Nikos Beteinis
  • Michael J Curtis
  • Bilio Markasioti

Research Projects


Coastal Zone Environment and Geo-Sciences

COASTLINE-Project: 101130576
Coastal Zone Environment and Geo-Sciences
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01)
Duration: 01/01/2024-31/12/2027


Towards Democratic Landscape observation through Geoinformatics and Public Participation

Coordination: IMS/FORTH, Dr. Dimitrios Alexakis
Duration: 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2027
Total budget: 915.000 Euro


An international academic network for research, education and outreach in archaeological prospection

 International Thematic Network, Ghent University- Partner


Crossroads of civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean



Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science



Preliminary investigation of marine freshwater discharges on Island of Crete (Greece) as a potential source of fresh water supply and energy.

Goal: Identify potential sources of the freshwater in coastal zone of Crete.
Objective: Measure and record conductivity (salinity) changes in selected monitoring locations over four years.