Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Από τη νεότερη ιστορία της Κρήτης. Αντώνης Αναστασόπουλος, Γιάννης Σπυρόπουλος και Πέτρος Καστρινάκης

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Τέχνες: Πόπη Σφακιανάκη, Παναγιώτης Ιωάννου και Κωνσταντίνα Γεωργιάδη

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Νάσος Αργυρίου: Επικινδυνότητες από φυσικά φαινόμενα για την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά του Ρέθυμνου

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Παναγιώτα Μήνη (επιμέλεια): Προβολή ταινίας και συζήτηση για το Ολοκαύτωμα στον κινηματογράφο

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Παίζοντας με τα καράβια: Τζελίνα Χαρλαύτη και Απόστολος Δελής

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Μαρίνος Σαρηγιάννης: Το μαγικό, το θαυμαστό και το παράξενο στην Οθωμανική υπερφυσική παράδοση

IMS meets Rethymno

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.

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Nikos Potamianos: The Carnival and Women: Stories from the Carnival of Athens 1800-1940

IMS meets Rethymno

In his lecture, Nikos Potamianos, a researcher at the IMS-ITE, will present how women participated in the Athenian carnival from the final years of Ottoman rule until the Second World War.

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are organizing for the year 2025 a series of lectures addressed to the general public of our city. In these talks, open to everyone, the Institute's researchers will present elements of their research work in an accessible way, followed by a discussion.


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