- Curriculum vitae
- 2831106021
- polykretis@ims.forth.gr
Christos Polykretis
Dr Christos Polykretis is geographer (BSc) holding master (MSc) in "Management and Analysis of Geographic Information (Geoinformatics)" and PhD in Geoinformatics for environmental modeling. Nowadays, he is postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment (GeoSat ReSeArch), Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). His research interests focus on the application of Geoinformatics technologies (geographic information systems, remote sensing, etc.) in the study and analysis of several phenomena/problems (environmental, social, etc.). His specialization is mainly located in the areas of geospatial/satellite imagery data processing and spatial analysis. He has provided supportive teaching on relevant undergraduate and postgraduate university courses, and has also lectured on various training and lifelong learning programs. His research work includes publications in both national and international scientific journals and conference proceedings, as well as participations as external collaborator in several research projects. Furthermore, his previous professional experience includes jobs as geospatial data analyst in both public and private sectors.