Research Projects
Fulbright Research Grant
Fulbright Research Grant
The aim of this project is twofold and is divided into a research and a lecturing module regarding traditional geophysical prospection methods and electrical resistivity tomography in archaeological research (theory and applications)
Innovation in the Greek and Mediterranean Shipbuilding Technology, 19th-20th centuries
The Research Unit 4 with subject "Innovation in the Greek and Mediterranean Shipbuilding Technology, 19th - 20th centuries" is a part of the Project "ELISTOKAINO": the History of Innovation in Greece, 19th-20th centuries", which is part of the strategic plan for development of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS-FORTH). The project aims to a multidisciplinary contribution in the understanding of the issue of innovation in Greece through the study of different aspects of Greek experience.
POLItismos-TEchnologIA: New Technologies in the Research, Study, Documentation and Access to the Information for Cultural Heritage Objects and Monuments
Project No MIS-448300 (2013SE01380035) is funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Greece and the European Regional Development Fund (Sectoral Operational Programme : Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, NSRF 2007-2013)/ European Commission. The project constitutes a National Development Action (Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, NSRF 2007-2013).
Environment and Natural Disasters: New methods to evaluate and improve the environmental quality and encounter the natural hazards
Environment and Natural Disasters: New methods to evaluate and improve the environmental quality and encounter the natural hazards
“Modernism” and “Greekness” in Art and Art Criticism, 18th Century
Τhe aim of the program is to study the 18th century, when, on the one hand, introducing Western styles in painting is being attempted, and, on the other hand, novelties in the artistic practice lead to efforts to its theoretical establishment by translating and adapting foreign art treatises.
Russian Icons in Greece 15th- early 20th century
Russian Icons in Greece 15th- early 20th century
The aim of the proposed research project is to initiate the systematic study of this phenomenon in its various aspects: to follow the paths through which these icons were brought to Greece, to explore the identity of those who ordered and donated them, to analyze the dynamics and the various moving factors (religious, political, ideological) of this process during its various historical phases.
Integrated Geoinformatics Technologies for Time-Lapse Monitoring of Land Pollution from the Disposal of Olive-oil Mills Wastes - GeoDIAMETRIS
Integrated Geoinformatics Technologies for Time-Lapse Monitoring of Land Pollution from the Disposal of Olive-oil Mills Wastes - GeoDIAMETRIS
GEOTECHNICAL Characterization
Geotechnical Characterization of Selected Sites Greece Through the Integrated Use of Geophysical and Geotechnical Methods
The purpose of this research proposal is to aggregate geotechnical and seismological data at selected sites and correlate them with geophysical data in order to calibrate and correlate the individual methods.
The Therasia Project is a multidisciplinary study of the history of the island that is operated by a) the University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology (supervisor: Professor Iris Tzachili) b) the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Architecture and the Postgraduate Interdepartmental Program on the Preservation, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments (supervisor: Professor Clairy Palyvou) and c) the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 11th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (supervisor: Dr Marisa Marthari).
THALΕS: Enhance Interdisciplinary research and innovation with the possibility of attracting high-quality researchers from abroad by conducting basic and applied excellence research
Innovative Geophysical Approaches for the Study of Early Agricultural Villages of Neolithic Thessaly
The specific project will carry out systematic and extensive geophysical surveys in a number of Neolithic magoules in Thessaly and in order to achieve this it will design and implement a specific geophysical strategy for the fast and high resolution assessment of the subsurface of them.
Sustainable strategies for the improvement of seriously degraded agricultural areas: The example of Pistachia vera L. - AgroStrat
Sustainable strategies for the improvement of seriously degraded agricultural areas: The example of Pistachia vera L.
LIFE11 ENV/GR/000951
Religious Art from Russia to Greece (16th - 19th Century)
An exhibition of Russian religious art objects preserved in Greek Church and Museum collections.
An exhibition is organized that will shed light to the various aspects of the phenomenon, focusing on the movement of objects and their reception by and integration in a new ethnic, religious and cultural environment. The various paths and diverse forms of reception and adoption in the Greek world will be explored, as well as issues of dating of the Russian artworks and attribution to Russian workshops.
The Black Sea and its port-cities from the 18th to the 20th century. Development, convergence and linkages with the global economy
The aim of the project was the identification, analysis and synthesis of the economic and social develοpment of 20 port-cities of the Black Sea that formed an integrated market that became the larger grain-exporting area in the world in the second half of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century.
Second Period
The city in modern times
This project, in collaboration with the General State Archives of Cyclades, aimed mainly at the creation of an exemplary database for Ermoupolis of Syros (19th-20th century), by processing the most important sources that are available for the city: municipal registers, population censuses, civil records, notarial and judicial records, proceedings of the municipal council, archives of educational and philanthropic institutions, and other evidence that constitute series.
Observatory for the Water Management of E. Mediterranean
Observatory for the Water Management of E. Mediterranean
The Observatory for Water Management of E. Mediterranean aims to organize activities for the management of water taking a leading role that will also include training and information actions.
Observatory for the Cultural & Environmental Resources of the Municipality of Neapolis, Lasithi
Observatory for the Cultural & Environmental Resources of the Municipality of Neapolis, Lasithi
The Cultural and Environmental resources of the Municipality of Neapolis intends to promote the cultural and landscape heritage of the Municipality to the wider public, using a number of multimedia, the cartographic display of archaeological sites or areas of distinct geomorphological peculiarities.
Greek artists in the West, 15th -19th century
Greek artists in the West, 15th -19th century
This program aims at a deeper understanding of Greek artists' work by way of collecting biographical evidence, identifying and documenting their work, and assessing the quality of their production. The program also seeks to investigate the identity of the artists' commissioners and their status within the new cultural environment.
History of the cities of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans (18th-20th c.)
History of the cities of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans (18th-20th c.)
The main objective of the project is the contribution to a better understanding of the urban phenomenon in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean in the modern and contemporary period, through a comparative approach that permits us to go beyond the limitations of the national framework within which usually take place the historical studies.
Register of Greek poetry 1801-1850
Register of Greek poetry 1801-1850
The main objectives of the project is the systematic inventorying of all Modern Greek poems, whether published or not, onymous or anonymous, written or published during the above-mentioned period (folk songs are excluded), together with classification both in printed form as well as data base according to author and collection, title and first verse.