Konstantina Kalfa
Konstantina Kalfa earned her PhD in architectural history and theory at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. She is the recipient of numerous awards and highly-competitive grants, including the PI Research Grant from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology for her project Antiparochì and (its) architects: Histories of social forces, spatial politics and the architectural profession in Greece, 1929-74 (2018-2021). Her publications on housing and architecture’s political economy and production mechanisms appear in edited volumes including Architecture in development: Systems and the emergence of the Global South, critically acclaimed as a ‘timely book address[ing] a major blind spot in contemporary architectural scholarship,’ and esteemed journals in the field: Architectural Histories; PLATFORM-Provocative, Timely, Diverse; the Architecture beyond Europe Journal; the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians; Rethinking Marxism and Architecture and Culture. Kalfa also co-created the documentary film Antiparochì-A short introduction, presenting her oral history research on the Greek land-for-flats system antiparochì and co-edited the Section ‘Small-scale building enterprise and global home ownership in the age of economic expansion’ of ABE Journal 19 (2022). She is the author of the book Self-sheltering now! The invisible side of the U.S. aid to Greece [in Greek] (Athens: Futura, 2019), praised in prominent daily journals and on the Greek State Broadcasting Corporation radio, and cited in a documentary, a theater play held at the esteemed Athens Epidaurus Festival, as well as in a series of Greek and international books and academic articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Selected/recent related publications
- Kalfa, K., 2025. ‘Building Traditions: The Politics of Labor-Intensive House Building in Postwar Athens’. In: Maloutas, T., ed. Athens: A Rapidly Changing Metropolis in the European South. Routledge Focus, pp. 92–106.
- Kalfa, K., 2024. ‘Dwelling on the Green Line: Privatize and Rule in Israel/Palestine: by Gabriel Schwake, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. xvi + 278, £29.99 (paperback), $39.99 USD (ebook), ISBN 978-1-316-51289-0’, Politics, Religion & Ideology, pp. 474–476.
- Touloumi, O., et al., 2024. ‘Field Notes: Athens in Flux’, Architectural Histories, 12(1).
- Dimelli, D., Kalfa, K., et al., 2024. ‘“Polykatoikia”: What’s in a Name?’. In: Rodrigues, I. L., et al. eds. European Middle-Class Mass Housing: Past and Present of the Modern Community. Iscte-IUL, pp. 246-269.
- Kalfa, K., 2024. ‘Greece’. In: De Vos, E., et al. eds. European Middle-Class Mass Housing: LEXICON. Iscte-IUL, pp. 51-52.
- Kalfa, K., 2023. ‘Athens Apartmentalized, 1955-1970’. In: Maloutas, T. and Spyrellis, S., eds. Athens Social Atlas. Digital compendium of texts and visual material.
- Kalfa, K., 2023. ‘Archives of Empowerment? Unearthing Afthereta’s Architectural Documentation in 1970s Greece’. PLATFORM, 19 June.
- Κάλφα, Κ. and Τουρνικιώτης, Π., 2023. ‘Ο Αριστείδης Ρωμανός και το Ζήτημα της Στέγης, 1955-1998’. In: Kotsaki, A., ed. ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΔΗΣ ΡΩΜΑΝΟΣ: Ανοικτά Παράθυρα στην Πόλη και την Αρχιτεκτονική. Technical Chamber of Greece, pp. 26–33.
- Kalfa, K., 2022. ‘Antiparochì and (its) Architects: Greek Architectures in Failure’. In: Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative, ed. Architecture in Development: Systems and the Emergence of the Global South. Routledge, pp. 401–415.
- Kalfa, K., et al., eds., 2022. Small-Scale Building Enterprise and Global Home Οwnership in the Age of Economic Expansion. ABE Journal, (20).
- Kalfa, K. and Theodosis, L., 2022. ‘Dealing with the commonplace: Constantinos A. Doxiadis and the Zygos Technical Company’. ABE Journal, (20).
- Kalfa, K., and Alifragkis, S. 2021. ‘Antiparochi – A Short Introduction’ (documentary, Greece, 20’).
- Kalfa, K., 2021. ‘“Giving to the World a Demonstration”: U.S. Housing Aid to Greece, 1947–51’, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 80(3), pp. 304-320.
- Κάλφα, Κ., 2021. ‘Από το Μπάουχαους στην Ελλάδα και στον «Αναπτυσσόμενο» Κόσμο: Κοινωνικά Δίκτυα και Μελλοντολογία μετά το Μπάουχαους’. In: Γιακουμακάτος A. and Γεωργιάδης, Σ., eds. Bauhaus and Greece. Kapon, pp. 55–61.
- Κάλφα, Κ., 2020. ‘Προς μια εναλλακτική ιστοριογραφία της νεοελληνικής αρχιτεκτονικής (1945-1967)’, PIXELS@humanities 1.
- Kalfa, K., 2019. Self-sheltering Now! The Invisible Side of the U.S. Aid to Greece [in Greek]. Futura.