Presentation by Enrique Garcia Domingo with the topic: Spanish Maritime Labour in the Nineteenth Century

The Institute for Mediterranean Studies/Found for Research and Technology-Hellas cordially invites you to a presentation by Enrique Garcia Domingo with the topic Spanish Maritime Labour in the Nineteenth Century

Wednesday, 22nd of May at 20:30

IMS Lecture Hall, Old town, Rethymno

(see the poster of the event)


The lecture proposes a voyage throughout seven centuries of Spanish Maritime History between, 1501 and 1936, focusing on the maritime labour. Spain maintained, between 16th and 19th centuries a maritime empire, although the sea has never penetrated the character and substance of most of the Spanish population. While you can easily find information about naval warfare and geo-strategy, the role of Spanish merchant marine is far less known.
We will stop in different crucial moments: Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries), the discovery of the New World and the organization and exploitation of the Spanish Empire (16th-18th centuries; the advent of the Bourbon dynasty (18th century); and specially the long 19th century and the transition from sail to steam (1834-1914). To end, I will draw the Spanish merchant marine between 1914 and 1936.
I will point out the main features of this issue, with maritime labour as the guiding wire. At the same time, some general ideas about seafarers and the maritime industry will be proposed.

Enric Garcia Domingo (Barcelona, Spain, 1962). I have a degree in History and a PhD in Contemporary History at the Universitat de Barcelona. The topic of my thesis was labour in the Spanish Merchant Marine in the transition from sail to steam, 1834-1914. I'm interested in Maritime History in a broad scope, including naval history, shipbuilding industry, companies, maritime culture, etc. I have published some books and articles and I have many papers in national and international meetings. At present I do research on maritime labour history in 19th-20th centuries.
I'm currently the Head of the Department of Collections and Research at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona. I'm also member of the research group TIG Treball, Institucions i Génere (Labour, Institutions and Gender) of the Universitat de Barcelona. Last but not least, I'm member, of the Barcelona Team in the framework of the ERC Research Project SeaLit.


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