Lecture by Dr. Alice Gorman

Please join us at 8 pm on Monday the 8th of June at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies for a public lecture entitled "Archaeology beyond earth gravity: a solar system perspective" by the well known Australian space archaeologist Dr Alice Gorman.


Since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, human material culture has started to migrate from terrestrial environments into orbital and planetary locations from Mercury to the interstellar boundary. Each satellite, probe and planetary landing site has a story to tell about perceptions of, and adaptations to, space. Through examples such as the Messenger spacecraft's recent impact crater on Mercury, the Venera missions to Venus, and the Voyager spacecraft, this talk will explore the archaeological record from a solar system perspective.



Dr Alice Gorman is an internationally recognised expert in the archaeology of orbital debris, terrestrial launch sites, and satellite tracking stations. She is a Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at Flinders University, an Adjunct Fellow in the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University and a faculty member at the International Space University. Alice is prominent public intellectual, tweeting @drspacejunk, authoring the Dr Space Junk blog and frequently contributing to The Conversation website.