Constantina Georgiadi, Tania Neofytou, Vania Papanikolaou, Maria Sehopoulou, “From invisibility to visibility. Biography as a historical source for the rise of the actor’s profession in Greece (from the 19th century to the 1930’s). Theoretical aspects, European encounters and biographical genres,” Études Balkaniques LVII, 1/2021, 35-64.
Constantina Georgiadi, Tania Neofytou, Vania Papanikolaou, Maria Sehopoulou, “From invisibility to visibility. Biography as a historical source for the rise of the actor’s profession in Greece (from the 19th century to the 1930’s). Theoretical aspects, European encounters and biographical genres,” Études Balkaniques LVII, 1/2021, 35-64.